Xiomara Zelaya: “Es falso que propuesta de matrimonio igualitario está en Plan de Gobierno”



TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS- La candidata a diputada del Partido Libertad y Refundación (Libre), Xiomara Zelaya, informó este jueves que es ‘falso’ que en el Plan de Gobierno de dicha institución política, se incluya la propuesta de aprobar el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo.

Zelaya, señaló que el decir que en el Plan de Gobierno de Libre se contempla el matrimonio igualitario, es una campaña mediática del oficialismo.

“Es falso que el matrimonio igualitario está en el Plan de Gobierno, eso no es real”, dijo la aspirante a diputada de Libre.

“Yo entiendo que hay una campaña mediática, especialmente del oficialismo por hacer creerle a la mayoría de la población que el matrimonio igualitario está en el Plan de Gobierno, lo cual, no es cierto”, añadió.


Por su parte, el candidato a alcalde del Distrito Central por el Partido Nacional, David Chávez, afirmó que esa institución política está en contra del matrimonio igualitario.

“Estamos en contra del aborto, del matrimonio igualitario y a favor de la familia”, dijo Chávez.



  1. Mateusz

    2022-01-05 at 07:36

    I think that someone who even don’t support such basic rights like same sex marriage don’t deserve to be president! President SHOULD UNITE NOT DIVIDE SOCIETY! Same sex marriage is one of MOST BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS! I hope that this president is at least a little different than previous who have connection with drug gangs and she supports at least same sex marriage and maybe even adoption of children by sames sex couples. In countries where rules democracy and human rights this is very important factor. Myself I’m conservative catholic but also democrat and strong supporter of MOST BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS such matrimonio igualitario.

  2. Mateusz

    2022-01-05 at 07:41

    I’m very tired to hear about so called leftwing politics who even doesn’t support same sex marriages. President should Unite all groups of society: men and women, straights, homosexuals and bisexuals people, people who believe and nonbelievers. If someone called him/herself left wing he/she should support basic equal rights and not promote nazizm (homophobia, or ractsm) in any form.

  3. Mateusz

    2022-01-06 at 00:30

    I hope that Xiomara Castro at least entry same sex civil marriage and antidiscrimination education. Myself I’m very conservative young catholic and I support marriage equality. Unlike abortion or drugs it hurt anyone and contrary is EVEN BASIC HUMAN RIGHT! Someone who even don’t support same sex marriage don’t deserve to be President. President should UNITE NOT DIVIDE society by harmfull hate ideologies: homophobia, racism or sexism which bias against birth factors! All people who seen democracy as value should support at least same sex marriage.

  4. Mateusz

    2022-01-06 at 00:33

    I hope that Xiomara Castro at least entry same sex civil marriage and antidiscrimination education. Myself I’m very conservative young catholic and I support marriage equality. Unlike abortion or drugs it hurt anyone and contrary is EVEN BASIC HUMAN RIGHT! Someone who even don’t support same sex marriage don’t deserve to be President. President should UNITE NOT DIVIDE society by harmfull hate ideologies: homophobia, racism or sexism which bias against birth factors! All people who seen democracy as value should support at least same sex marriage. I also support death penalty for drug dealers. They don’t deserve to life because thay are traitors of basic human lives.

  5. Mateusz

    2022-01-06 at 00:34

    I hope that Xiomara Castro at least entry same sex civil marriage and antidiscrimination education. Myself I’m very conservative young catholic and I support marriage equality. Unlike abortion or drugs it does not hurt anyone and contrary is EVEN BASIC HUMAN RIGHT! Someone who even don’t support same sex marriage don’t deserve to be President. President should UNITE NOT DIVIDE society by harmfull hate ideologies: homophobia, racism or sexism which bias against birth factors! All people who seen democracy as value should support at least same sex marriage. I also support death penalty for drug dealers. They don’t deserve to life because thay are traitors of basic human lives.

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